The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is proposing updates to the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for Prince William County. Residents and businesses are invited to participate in a 90-day appeal and comment period.
The updated maps were coordinated with local, state and FEMA officials; and a significant community review of the maps has already occurred. However, before the maps become final, the community may identify any corrections or questions about the information provided and submit appeals or comments.
The 90-day appeal period began on June 8 and will end on September 5, 2023. Residents, business owners and other community partners can review the updated maps on the county’s website to learn about local flood risks and potential future flood insurance requirements. They may submit an appeal if they perceive that the modeling or data used to create the map is technically or scientifically incorrect.
FEMA published a notice of the proposed flood insurance map changes in the Federal Register and public notification concerning the appeal process in the Prince William Times and Inside Nova on June 1, 2023, and June 8, 2023. The next step in the mapping process is the resolution of all comments and appeals. Once resolved, FEMA will notify communities of the effective date of the final maps. When the proposed changes to flood maps are finalized, Prince William County must adopt the changes in a timely manner.
How will the changes affect our community?
Some properties will be newly mapped into the floodplain, most already in the floodplain will remain as they are, and others will be mapped out. Once the changes are finalized, the new maps require the Board of County Supervisors to adopt revisions to the floodplain ordinance.
Property owners can find detailed information regarding FEMA’s study, as well as view the Preliminary FIRMs using an interactive map tool on the county’s website. Property owners can also view a hard copy of the Preliminary FIRMs in person at 5 County Complex Court; Suite 170; Prince William, VA 22192, on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Appeals and comments may be submitted via email to [email protected] by September 5, 2023.
Please note that properties mapped out of the floodplain in the adopted maps will no longer carry a federal requirement to purchase insurance; however, these properties are still strongly encouraged to maintain insurance.