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Protect Our Natural Resources

Prince William County takes its role as protector and steward of natural resources for our community very seriously.  Staff work diligently to reduce our impact on the environment, keep our citizens safe, restore degraded areas and reforest areas at construction sites and County properties, and improve the quality of local waters and natural areas. 

Our long term quest is to leave the area better than the way we found it.  This will help sustain a healthy and viable natural environment for years to come.  There are steps you and your children can take to help in this quest.  

In the Community

Staff work on a daily basis to protect and restore our community's natural resources.  You can find County employees undertaking:

Staff also strives to reduce our impact on the environment and engage in practices that preserve and replace resources for the future.  Many of our practices help sustain the natural environment and the economy through wise practical use of resources:

  • Maintaining a landfill that has a long and useful life through thoughtful and wise decisions on managing the community's waste
  • Diverting waste from the landfill through recycling programs and a new organics waste processing facility
  • Using the landfill as a source of sustainable practices such as renewable energy production and educational opportunities
  • Monitoring local water quality in streams and creeks
  • Restoring areas along streams and reforesting areas in need
  • Creating natural space in the community including meadows, pollinator gardens and bee sanctuaries
  • Participating as a County government in Virginia's environmental management system

In the Neighborhood

Staff work diligently to ensure properties meet all codes and ordinances for the health and safety of the community.  We also monitor, treat and spray for mosquitoes as required to protect public health.

In the Yard

Bee and purple flower.png County staff work through volunteers to teach fellow citizens about sound lawn and landscaping practices, particularly the use of native plants.   There are a number of steps and practices you can take to control pollution from your yard and home.  This will help protect local waterways.  Staff also share information on techniques to control mosquitoes.

In the Schools

County staff and partners provide information, teaching aids and materials and special field experiences for students to learn about the natural environment around them.


In the County Government

County staff seek ways to reduce our impact on the natural environment.  We use various teams, programs and processes to ensure we meet state and federal mandates, as well as improve employee safety.  Our current initiatives include: 

  • Fulfill local, state and federal regulations
  • Serve as responsible stewards of natural resources and county dollars
  • Implement sound practices and initiatives
    • Smarter Chemical Practices by selecting chemicals that are effective and safer for employees
    • Environmental Management Systems program that guide us on undertaking tasks with the least amount of impact on the environment, while fulfilling our work requirements and safeguarding employees
    • Undertaking plans and practices that protect local waters
    • Managing waste responsibly by ensuring all materials are recycled or disposed of properly in order to protect public health and the environment.