HOA and Condo Association Resources

The Boards of Directors for common interest communities need to know a large amount of information regarding HOAs and Condos. Neighborhood Services offers resources you may find useful regarding HOA and COA management.

HOA Contact Information

Neighborhood Services Division maintains a Condo and HOA Database with contact information for common interest communities that voluntarily provide the information to the division. Those listed receive electronic copies of the Neighborhood News as well as mailings for classes of interest to neighborhoods. The list is viewable to all citizens who access the webpage - please note that other County-related notifications may be sent as well. Individuals can subscribe to the Neighborhood News through Prince William County's eNotification service. Please send any corrections regarding your organization to [email protected].

Assistance from the Commonwealth of Virginia

If you have questions about your HOA / COA, the Office of the Ombudsman may be able to assist you. Send as much detail as possible to describe the issue to [email protected] or call 804-367-2941. Please allow several days for a response as the Ombudsman office receives a large number of requests from all over the State.

Assistance from Non-Governmental Organizations

The Community Associations Institute certifies community managers as required by the state of Virginia and provides information and resources for Common Interest Communities at http://www.caionline.org/. An HOA or condo should consider joining to access the wide-ranging benefits of the Institute.

A Virginia law firm that deals with community association law has a blog where you can read questions and answers about association law and post your own questions. The site the Virginia Condominium and Homeowners Association Law Blog is at http://www.vahoalaw.com/.

County Resources Available


Prince William County Ordinances can be seen online at MuniCode. Chapter 32 is the zoning section. The Code of Virginia can be seen at Legislative Information Service. For the legal rights and responsibilities of HOAs, COAs and Common Interest Communities please visit the Property Owner's Association Act ordinance at the following link.

Dealing with Problem Properties

Note that while Neighborhood Services is prepared to assist an HOA with problem properties, the HOA is better positioned to deal with home and yard maintenance problems within its community. Common Interest Communities often establish rules for property maintenance that are stricter than the County’s ordinances. Common Interest Communities have the ability to deny access to any amenities within the community as well as voting rights and can assess fees that are far more punitive.

Community Watch

Prince William County Police sponsor the Community Watch Program. For more information, please contact the Crime Prevention unit by calling 703-792-7270 or email [email protected]. Community Watch reports include crime in adjacent areas and allow a community to be cognizant of local criminal activity through information and vigilance.


Prince William County Transportation Department’s booklet on traffic calming is available (see pages three and five through twelve). It describes different methods to control/slow speeding and cut-through traffic and the process to petition VDOT for installation of the method. You may also want to contact the Department of Transportation at [email protected] or 703-792-6825 for more information about traffic safety, streetlights, sidewalks and more.

Identifying the Owner of a Property

If you need to determine who is responsible for a piece of property try the County Mapper at County Mapper. Note that the boundary lines are not exact.