The Prince William Board of County Supervisors Finance and Budget Committee (FBC) was established on February 4, 2025, via Res. No. 25-070, as a standing committee of the whole Board. The creation of the FBC will provide members additional opportunities for in-depth analysis of the policies, statutes, ordinances, and directives related to public financial management, stewardship of taxpayer dollars, and the development and growth of the county’s economy.
Through prepared presentations, supporting background materials, and comprehensive discussions, the FBC will have the opportunity to receive information and focus on critical challenges of growing and diversifying the local tax base and economy consistent with the Principles of Sound Financial Management.
Key topic areas of the FBC will include: 1) Financial Management Policy, 2) Tax Policy, 3) Budget Policy and Issues, and 4) Long-term Capital Investment Issues and Policy.
The FBC will receive information and may make recommendations to the Board; the FBC shall not take action that binds the Board, as the FBC will be acting as a separate and distinct public body and not be acting as the Board.
As the FBC is a separate public body, meetings are subject to the open meetings requirement of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and the records of the group are likewise subject to FOIA.
For any questions please email [email protected].