What To Know When Planning Your Dream Outdoor Wedding or Special Event

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Planning a large outdoor wedding or company picnic? Something you may not think about when planning your dream outdoor wedding or the next company picnic is contacting your local government. Whatever the celebration, it is important to know if a Temporary Activity Permit (TAP) is required, and if so, to apply early.

An Application for Temporary Activity Permit is required for temporary uses and activities that run for a short time-period, such as car shows, carnivals, circuses, concerts, craft fairs, food truck events, golf tournaments, horse shows, large gatherings, large temporary structures like tents or temporary stages and platforms, religious activities, roadside stands, special events like festivals, tent revivals, and similar activities.

A formal Temporary Activity Permit Application must be submitted to the Zoning Counters, Prince William County Development Services Building, 5 County Complex Court, Prince William, VA 22192, at least four (4) weeks prior to the temporary activity start date. Applications submitted less than 4 weeks prior to the event are not guaranteed to receive all reviews, approvals, or inspections to permit the event.

The bigger the gathering or type of activities may require additional permits. The extent of the event and level of review required may involve multiple government branches - Development Services, Health Department, VDOT, Fire, Police, that will impact the time needed to process the TAP application. Additional details required can range from the location of all structures on the property during the event, size of tents - more than 900 sf or 50 occupants, temporary stages and platforms, inflatable structures, seating layout to exit locations, cooking equipment type, and location of fire extinguishers, to name a few. These permits help maximize the safety of attendees, the public, as well as assist in determining the level of county staffing that may be needed. 

Temporary activities are only permitted in accordance with Sec. 32-210 of the Prince William County Zoning Ordinance. Please check all standards that apply. Being proactive in securing the required permits well in advance will help facilitate a smooth and successful event.

Download the TAP application form here. See the TAP Brochure for specific events requiring approval, submission guidelines and the current fiscal year Fee Schedule for the TAP permit fee. 

For further information or questions on the TAP application process, please visit www.pwcgov.org/tap, call (703) 792-6830 or email [email protected].

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