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Route 1/Fraley Boulevard Widening

From: Bradys Hill Road (Rte. 1109)

To: Dumfries Road (Rte. 234)

Potomac Magisterial District


The Prince William County Department of Transportation in collaboration with the Town of Dumfries will conduct a Virtual Information Meeting for the Route 1/Fraley Boulevard Widening (from Bradys Hill Road to Dumfries Road) from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM on Thursday, March 17, 2022. The event will be streamed live virtually through the link posted on the Prince William County Department of Transportation website at: Formal presentation will start at 6:30 PM and will review & highlight the major design updates to the project since the Design Public Hearing previously held by VDOT on October 18, 2018, with an intent to inform the public of design changes and improvements made as Prince William County took over administration of this project. The Design Improvements include reducing number of stormwater management facilities, reducing right of way impacts on affected parcels, improving access at several locations, enhanced bridge design, and other design upgrades. Online audience will have the opportunity to submit questions to be included in the Q&A portion of the meeting.

The proposed project will widen the existing northbound portion of Route 1 (Fraley Boulevard) from Bradys Hill Road (Rte. 1109) to Dumfries Road (Rte. 234) to a six-lane divided facility with a raised median to serve two-way traffic. The project will also provide 5-foot concrete sidewalk and a 10-foot shared-use path. The total project length is approximately 1.9 miles.

The purpose of this virtual information meeting is to ensure that the public is provided with an opportunity to both review and provide feedback on the proposed design improvements of the widening project. Tentative project schedule, potential property impacts, right of way acquisition procedures, and the project’s proposed improvements will be discussed at the meeting.

The public can review the Virtual Information Meeting plans and additional project documents including the NEPA environmental document on the Prince William County Department of Transportation website at

Deadline to submit comments is Thursday, March 31, 2022. The public may provide comments via the following methods:

· written comments via the chat feature of the virtual streaming

· by mail to the Project Manager: Mr. Hoainam Nguyen at the Prince William County Department of Transportation Office (5 County Complex Court, Suite 290, Prince William, VA 22192). A fillable comment sheet is available to use on the Prince William County Department of Transportation website.

· by email to the Project Manager: Mr. Hoainam Nguyen at [email protected] (please reference “Route 1/Fraley Boulevard Widening” in the subject heading)

Prince William County ensures nondiscrimination in all programs and activities in accordance with Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. For information call 703-792-6825.

Accessibility to Persons with Disabilities: This Virtual Information Meeting is available virtually to the public at the Department of Transportation website link above. Any persons with questions regarding access to the meeting or need interpreter services should contact the County’s project manager Mr. Hoainam Nguyen at the above email address no later than Friday, March 11, 2022

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