Staff Picks for Spring: Favorite Things to Do in Our Parks

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Did you know that Prince William County Parks & Recreation manages 5,000+ acres of parkland comprised of more than 80 park properties and 60+ miles of trails? That’s a lot of parkland to explore! And there’s no better time than spring to discover a new park, trail, playground, or outdoor activity. We invite you to explore our parks and all that we have to offer this spring. Not sure where to start? We asked Parks and Recreation staff what some of their favorite things to do are in the spring. You can check out their recommendations below

“Go paddleboarding at Lake Ridge Park. It’s a great workout and nice way to spend the day on the water.” – Bonny G., Marketing

“Take a walk around Silver Lake Park and admire the redbud and dogwood trees—they’re absolutely beautiful this time of year! The park is also a great place to catch the sunrise or sunset.” – Jane E., Recreation

“Spend some time at the Neabsco Boardwalk—whether during the day to take in the sights and sounds of the creek and marsh emerging from winter, or by participating in one of the evening environmental programs to take in spectacular views of the full moon, stars, and nocturnal wildlife.” – Ryan A., Recreation

“My favorite thing to do in the spring is to go to K9 Gunner Dog Park with my two dachshunds!” – Kat F., Chinn Fitness

“Grab your paddle and come check out one of our pickleball courts—we’ve got 34 to choose from!” – Lani P., Marketing

“My favorites are hiking the trails and using the pedal boats at Locust Shade.” – Elle W., Human Resources

“Walk the trail at Andrew Leitch Park—beautiful trail surrounded by trees, a perfect walk with your favorite four-legged (leashed) friend.” – Sara S., Recreation

“Visit the Dale City Farmers Market—one of the best in the area!” – Amber S., Marketing

“My ABSOLUTE favorite thing to do in the spring within PWC Parks and Recreation is to walk on the Neabsco Boardwalk—it is so beautiful in the spring! I love seeing all the wildflowers in bloom, the birds are flying everywhere and there are usually lots of baby turtles and beaver sightings!! (And the weather isn’t too hot yet!)” – Jennifer H., SBDCRC Fitness

Looking for more ideas? Check out the latest edition of Leisure covering programs and activities through the end of April. And stayed tuned for our May-August issue of Leisure, which will be available for preview soon. 

To view locations and information on all of our parks, be sure to download our PWC RecMapper app for all the latest information at your fingertips.

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