The Prince William Health District What You Should Know:
Authorized Vaccines
Prince William Health District and VDH: Do not recommend using any COVID-19 vaccine outside FDA Authorization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommendations. This includes obtaining a booster dose before it is authorized and recommended, or obtaining a dose of a different brand of vaccine than your original series. More information from the CDC about booster shots can be found here.
Many Vaccines Require Booster Doses
For Example: Vaccines against measles, mumps and rubella, which is first given between 12 and 15 months of age, recommends the second dose anywhere between 4 and 6 years of age. The DTaP/Tdap vaccine that protects against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis also requires booster doses after the initial series. More information about how vaccines work can be found here.
Vaccine Clinic
Mobile Clinic Unit
Protection From COVID-19: The CDC and VDH continue to recommend wearing your mask, washing your hands, social distancing, and avoiding large crowds as additional ways to continue to protect yourself from contracting COVID-19 and its variants.
To Find Vaccines Near You:
Visit or text your zip code to GETVAX (438829).
Call Virginia’s call center at 877-VAX-in-VA (877-829-4682) to make an appointment or for questions.
Testing: If you think you may have COVID-19, you can visit the VDH website to locate COVID-19 testing sites or visit
Also, you can reach out to your healthcare provider for COVID-19 testing. Pharmacies offer COVID-19 testing and sell over-the-counter home testing kits.