Prince William County Police Officer Raleigh Harris recently visited Occoquan Elementary School to read a book to students about a boy obsessed with Rubik’s Cube during “World Read Aloud Day.”
The book “Andres and His Rubik’s Cube Madness” tells the story of a boy who saw a friend with the cube puzzle and thought he would like to do it too, but his limited skills kept success out of reach.
Andres kept at it and eventually, through perseverance and determination, learned to solve the puzzle fast enough to win a championship.
The students in Tiffany Strange’s fourth grade class successfully answered Harris’ questions about the book’s message.
After the short quiz time, Harris administered the Junior Police Officer Oath, where students promised to listen to their parents, work hard in school, be good students and citizens and help a friend when the friend is in need.
In exchange for pledging, the students received a plastic police officer badge.
“This is a highlight,” Harris said. “Anytime you get to work with the young ones is a highlight. I love it.”
Strange said the visual aids and gifts Harris brought helped keep the children engaged. “They love when someone brings in a little bit extra. We love books, and we love reading. We love connecting to our reading. They dig that little bit of extra reality when we get it.”
Harris’ visual aid was a Rubik’s Cube which he solved in 1 minute and 12 seconds after Strange mixed the cube up behind her back.