The Prince William County Office of Housing and Community Development, or OHCD, will host an open house and public comment period on Thursday, March 14, 2023, at 10:30 a.m. and Wednesday, March 27, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. The purpose of these meetings is to discuss and receive feedback on the draft Annual Action Plan Federal Fiscal Year 2024 (FY2025).
The Annual Action Plan is a one-year planning document that carries out goals and objectives identified in the 5-Year Consolidated Plan. The plan outlines housing and non-housing needs and available resources and presents a one-year plan for using Federal Fiscal Year 2024 (FY25) funds. The Action Plan also serves as the baseline for measuring program effectiveness, as reported in the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) required by HUD for each fiscal year's funding allocation. This Annual Action Plan will determine the distribution of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships, and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds for the FFY2024 (FY2025) Program Year.
The draft Annual Action Plan for Federal Fiscal Year 2024(FY25) is on the county’s website. To learn more about the meetings, email [email protected].
Send written comments about the plan by midnight on March 29, 2024, to:
PWC Office of Housing and Community Development
Attn: Julie Roane, Administrative Support Coordinator II
15941 Donald Curtis Drive, Suite 112
Woodbridge, Virginia 22191-4291
Non-English speakers and those with speech, sight or hearing impairments who wish to review the documents or comment at the public meetings should contact the Prince William County Office of Housing & Community Development five days in advance at 703-792-7531.
The OHCD does not discriminate based on age, race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status, disability, source of funds, sexual orientation, gender identity, or military status.