June Is National Fireworks Safety Month

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One of America’s most celebrated festive holidays is the 4th of July, Fireworks are fun and exciting, yet, one of the biggest fire hazards to life and property. Each year, thousands of fireworks-related injuries are treated in hospital emergency departments throughout the United States.

No matter how breathtaking fireworks are, they are potential fire starters. The Prince William County Fire & Rescue System urges residents to leave fireworks to the professionals, by enjoying one of the many larger aerial fireworks demonstrations/shows in the District, Maryland, and Virginia. Check your local listings for dates, times and locations of fireworks displays. However, should you choose to purchase fireworks, the System recommends purchasing fireworks from stands within the county that have been inspected by the Fire Marshal’s Office.

To stay safe, follow these fireworks safety tips:

  • Fireworks should only be used and ignited by an adult.
  • Fireworks should only be used outdoors in an open space clear of spectators, buildings, vehicles, debris, and combustible materials or on a driveway, or a  sidewalk. Remember, fires are caused by careless handling of fireworks in areas exposed to sparks or live fireworks.
  • Keep spectators a safe distance away from fireworks at a minimum of 25 feet.
  • Keep a bucket of water handy in case sparks start a fire. 
  • Properly dispose of sparklers in a manner as not to be stepped on.
  • DO NOT place used fireworks in a combustible container.
  • NEVER aim or throw fireworks at another person.
  • NEVER try to re-ignite fireworks that malfunction or fail to go off. 
  • DO NOT wear loose clothing when using fireworks.
  • NEVER experiment or make your own fireworks.
  • KEEP pets inside or away from the area when in use.




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