The Prince William County Office of Housing and Community Development, or OHCD, will hold a second open house and public comment period on Thursday, Feb. 22, to discuss the recently updated Five-Year Fiscal 2024-2028 Housing Choice Voucher Program and the Fiscal 2024 Annual Action plans. These plans outline the goals, strategies and objectives to help the Public Housing Agency (PHA) address the needs of low-income and extremely low-income families who require housing assistance. During the public comment period, people can provide feedback on the strategies in the Five-Year and Annual Action Plan(s). The open house will be held in the Occoquan Room at the McCoart Government Center at 1 County Complex Court in Woodbridge at 8:30 a.m. on Feb. 22, 2024.
The Housing Choice Voucher Program, or HCVP, formerly known as Section 8, provides rental assistance, or subsidy vouchers, to families in need, helping them find affordable housing in the open rental market.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development requires jurisdictions receiving federally funded vouchers through the Quality Housing and Community Development Act of 1998 to develop an annual action plan and a five-year consolidated plan for the voucher progra[BP1] [SS2] m’s long-range goals and objectives to meet the HCVP mission.
The FY24 AAP & 5-Year (2024-2028) Plan 1.2024.pdf ( is on the county’s website or email [email protected] for more information.
Send written comments about the plan by midnight on Feb. 25, 2024, to:
PWC Office of Housing and Community Development
Attn: Julie Roane, Administrative Support Coordinator II
15941 Donald Curtis Drive, Suite 112
Woodbridge, Virginia 22191-4291
Non-English speakers and citizens with speech, sight or hearing impairments who wish to review the documents or comment at the public meetings should contact the Prince William County Office of Housing & Community Development five days in advance at 703-792-7531.
The OHCD tenant-based Housing Choice Voucher Program does not discriminate regardless of age, race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status, disability, source of funds, sexual orientation, gender identity or military status.