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Here Are a Few Things We’re Cooking Up at Prince William Public Libraries

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There is no shortage of recipes to be found online. It seems that any amateur chef with an internet connection has a blog or Instagram account promoting the culinary virtues of every diet under the sun while praising the unique properties of recipes for everything from liquified, “avant-garde” foods, to the perfect grilled cheese sandwich.

As with so much on the internet, the variety can become overwhelming, and it can be difficult to make simple, apples-to-apples comparisons (pun intended) between different cuisines. If you’re interested in sampling foods from around the country or around the world, but you don’t want to have to come up with different search terms while juggling dozens of open tabs, your library has just two online resources for you. Of course, we also have cookbooks and other digital resources, but we think you may enjoy AtoZ World Food and AtoZ Food America on our Digital Library, pwcva.gov/digitallibrary.

Whether you’re an adventurous chef or a host looking for an international theme, “AtoZ World Food” is a one-stop shop for global cuisine. Search the easy-to-navigate database by country or ingredient and choose options to narrow the search by different dietary restrictions.

Nearly every country in the world has an entry. Besides a robust selection of native recipes, each country entry includes a brief article on the national cuisine, information on beverages and common dining practices and etiquette, information on important ingredients, and a glossary for unfamiliar terms.

The site allows searching by course and browsing by ingredient. This gives you the opportunity to mix and match cuisines from different countries to come up with a truly international meal where the different dishes complement rather than clash.

If you’re interested in keeping your culinary experimentation confined to domestic locales, the companion site “AtoZ Food America” provides the same service for the 50 states. The site works the same as the international version, with some enhancements. Along with searching by either ingredient or state, the site also provides regional searching and the ability to search for various ethnic cuisines.

Both sites have the same easy-to-navigate format and functionality. If you’re looking for something new to do with all that carraway seed in your spice rack, or are looking for new ways to cook rice, these Digital Library resources are a great way to turn your next meal into an adventure.


About Prince William Public Libraries

Prince William Public Libraries has 12 branches throughout Prince William County and the City of Manassas, providing free access to books, e-books, e-audio, print and digital magazines, Digital Library, and CDs/DVDs. PWPL also offers free educational and entertaining programs for all ages.


Written by Kirk Johnson, PWPL Materials Services Division


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