Discover the Many Benefits of Yoga

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There are so many benefits that come from practicing yoga. From improving strength, posture, balance and flexibility, to easing back pain or other chronic pain and even helping to reduce stress levels, the benefits are numerous. If you’ve always wanted to try out yoga but felt intimidated because you’re not sure what to expect, our instructors offer some guidance below.

“Yoga is a spiritual practice that combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to improve overall health,” says Fitness Manager Carmen Fermin, Sharron Baucom Dale City Recreation Center. “It is suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels—all are welcome.”

Fermin shares that your first class might consist of chanting, working on breathing techniques and moving through a series of poses with the instructor there to help guide you and adjust your form if needed.

“Learning to connect with your breath is one of the most important things you’ll learn in yoga and many teachers incorporate a breathing practice into their classes,” adds Yoga Instructor Patricia Edmonds, who teaches yoga for Prince William County Parks and Recreation.

Wondering what equipment or gear you need? Fermin says that you’ll want to bring a yoga mat, comfortable clothing, a water bottle and a small towel for your first yoga class. If you have props you can bring them along too, but most studios provide them. You should plan to bring any personal items in a small bag and be sure to arrive early to set up. 

“You may feel a little overwhelmed, you may feel uncomfortable at first,” says Fermin. “But keep an open mind and positive attitude.”

Your class will typically end with a Savasana relaxation. Savasana is the final resting pose of most yoga routines, meant to unwind the mind and body into deep relaxation. This state of rest allows our whole body to adjust to and integrate the benefits of the previous yoga poses.

Fermin says her favorite thing about yoga is that the atmosphere is very non-judgmental. Her advice is to “do your best in each practice; do your best to get to build that endurance in order to practice with ease. And pay attention to the positive, celebrate your achievements and improvements.”

Edmonds echoes the same sentiment, “My favorite part about yoga is that it’s so welcoming and accepting of everyone. It doesn’t matter how flexible you are or how many poses are in your practice. All that matters is that you do it for you. One of the reasons I love yoga so much is because it reminds me to breathe.”

She adds that yoga has helped her organize herself internally. “I became more patient with myself and started to put my life into perspective,” says Edmonds. “Each day I do yoga I build up more confidence and happiness within myself. I learned to create a better life for myself.”

Ready to try out yoga? Check out our upcoming classes here.* (They fill up fast!) Please note that registration for yoga group fitness classes at Chinn Aquatics & Fitness Center open 48 hours prior to each class date. (Classes may show as "unavailable" until registration opens.) Reservations are required for class entry and will close once a class is full. Drop-ins are permitted only if space allows.

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