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America Recycles Day – “I Recycle” Pledge through Nov. 20

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Pledge online, win a $300 gift card

America Recycles Day takes place annually on Nov. 15. Prince William County will join thousands of local organizers and Metropolitan Washington Council of Government (MWCOG) jurisdictions to celebrate America Recycles Day (ARD), a national initiative of Keep America Beautiful.

Prince William County residents can acknowledge their commitment to recycling and win prizes by taking the “I Recycle” pledge at mwcog.org/recyclesday. The contest, hosted by MWCOG, will accept pledges online through Nov. 20. One lucky recycling supporter will win a $300 REI gift certificate and one lucky K-12 student will win a $300 REI gift certificate and a $500 grant for a recycling or environmental program at their school or in the Prince William community.

In the past nine years, eight Prince William entrants have won a MWCOG regional prize.

For more information about recycling in Prince William County, visit pwcva.gov/recycling. For more information about Keep America Beautiful and America Recycles Day visit kab.org/programs/ard/.

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