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Transformation Management Office

What We Do

The Transformation Management Office (TMO) partners with agencies and the community involved in transformation initiatives and projects around continuous improvement tools, knowledge and skills. The TMO provides coaching, consultation, structured problem solving, business process improvements; the office collects, promotes and highlights innovations and success stories and works on countywide initiatives.

The mission of the TMO is to develop, design and lead strategic initiatives focused on action-oriented process improvements and change management, digital transformation and a lens of person-centered delivery of government services for residents, visitors, employees and those doing business in Prince William County. The TMO will help build and facilitate a more collaborative approach across government agencies to solve for and transform the county’s biggest organizational challenges into responsive, inclusive and customer-focused experiences. This is achieved by encouraging and amplifying a culture of inclusion, innovation, accountability and continuous quality improvement.

Through weekly Recognizing Innovations in Service Excellence (RISE) meetings, the TMO and the Executive Steering Committee highlights, reviews, supports and coordinates new and existing innovations, transformations and change management projects.

Please contact us through our email [email protected], if you have questions.

We Provide the following services:

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  • Develop Solutions in Service of Customers
  • Change Management Support
  • Process Improvement & Mapping Support
  • Project Management Support
  • SMART Goal Development & Performance Benchmarking
  • Community Outreach & Partnerships Consultation
  • Employee Engagement for Project Assistance
  • Startup Support for New Departments
  • Glint Employee Survey Action Steps for Opportunities
  • Leadership Experience Sessions
  • Customized Department Workshop/Retreat Planning