Opening a new business is a significant investment of financial and personal resources. New businesses are important to the financial health of the County. The County wants to assist you through the regulatory process to ensure your business has a positive impact on the community/neighborhood, is safe to occupy, and opens as quickly as possible.
This Web page provides an overview of the various regulatory requirements to open your business. Since each business and its proposed location are unique, it is important to note that this is a general overview, and there will be variations among projects.
Ask the current building owner or the leasing company to provide information on the current status of the site, building, and tenant space to determine the impact of the existing conditions on the process of opening your business.
If the current building owner or leasing agent cannot provide any or all of the above information, contact or visit the County offices. The Planning/Zoning Office and the Building Development Division of the Department of Development services are located in the Development Services Building at 5 County Complex Court, Prince William, VA 22192.
It is beneficial to complete this process before requesting Zoning approval, so the Zoning approval will be issued under the correct business name, please see Fictitious Name (Trade or Assumed) under the Circuit Court Clerk's Office page.
Prince William County requires a County Business License. Typically the business license is issued after an Occupancy Permit is issued.
Please review the section on Use Groups & Certificate of Occupancy. To determine if a Virginia registered architect, professional engineer, or contractor must prepare the design/plans, refer to Policy: Registered Design Professional Sealing of Plans.